Impact of Covid-19: Contribute with real-time information!

If you are a humanitarian based in the field and have insights to share on #COVID19, please join our Humanitarian Experts Network!

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ACAPS invites you to join the Humanitarian Experts Network (HEN), a global network of field-based humanitarian experts sharing real-time information about the impact of COVID-19.

As a member of HEN you will receive, once a week, every Monday, a short questionnaire about the situation in the country of your expertise or where you work.

You will also get every Monday a summary of how COVID-19 is impacting the world’s major humanitarian crises.

Our aim is to provide quick, thought-provoking feedback that will give global humanitarian experts a fresh perspective to start each week.

Register for the Humanitarian Experts Network and help us assess the the humanitarian impact of COVID-19!

Any questions, please contact [email protected].

Go to the profile of Caroline Draveny

Caroline Draveny

Head of Communications, ACAPS

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