Aid Worker KIK | 2017

This overview document presents available information on KIK incidents that affected aid agencies and their staff. The report is based on incidents identified by Insecurity Insight's monitoring of open sources and reported by Aid in Danger partner agencies using the Security in Numbers Database (SiND). The available open-source and confidentially shared information is an indication of the number of aid workers killed, injured or kidnapped. However, no claim is made that the total number of aid workers affected has been documented or is known. In 2017, 506 aid workers were reportedly killed, injured or kidnapped in 240 incidents in 49 countries. Total KIK figures for 2017 are available on HDX Insecurity Insight. Data collection is ongoing and data may change as more information is made available.

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Insecurity Insight is a team of experts who apply an innovative method for generating data on the impact of insecurity on people's lives and wellbeing.

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